Management Summary
Profile corrections on gears are a commonly used method to reduce transmission error, contact shock, and scoring
risk. There are different types of profile corrections. It is a known fact that the type of profile correction used will have
a strong influence on the resulting transmission error. The degree of this influence may be determined by calculating
tooth loading during mesh. The current method for this calculation is very complicated and time consuming; however,
a new approach has been developed that could reduce the calculation time.
This approach uses an algorithm that includes the conventional method for calculating tooth stiffness in regards to
bending and shearing deformation, flattening due to Hertzian pressure and tilting of the tooth in the gear body. This
new method was tested by comparing its results with Finite Element Method (FEM) and LVR software.
This paper illustrates and discusses the results of this study. Furthermore the maximum local power losses are compared
with the scoring safety calculated following the flash temperature criteria of AGMA925 and DIN 3990.
Effects of Profile Corrections on Peak-to-Peak Transmission Error